We are at the beginning of the year; what better time to expose all the myths Ohio residents have heard throughout the years. We know how fast information can get passed along, making it difficult to understand what homeowners should do with their furnaces each year. You might be surprised to learn how many myths are just that. See below our list by our professional technicians at Wilmington Heating & Cooling.

Myth 1: Keep On Fixing Your Old Unit

If you’re having your HVAC company come to your house often, then this means it is time to say goodbye to your old system. As your unit ages, the less efficient it becomes, and the more your unit will cause you issues. So don’t go month after month with just fixing your furnace; let our expert technicians install a new one. 

Myth 2: I Don’t Need a Heating System Tune-up If My Furnace Works

We all wish we could buy things and we wouldn’t have to put any maintenance on anything. Well, unfortunately, that isn’t the case. As a homeowner, it is your job to make sure you have a tune-up as much as your HVAC technician recommends. Don’t keep letting years go by because your furnace works well each year. 

Myth 3: The Bigger, The Better

An oversized system will give your home heat quickly, but it will also give you short cycles. So, as a result, it will begin to use more energy to meet your heating demands. So remember that bigger is not always better. Our knowledgeable and friendly technicians will help find one that is just right for your home, that will save you time, energy, and money in the long run. 

Myth 4: Setting The Thermostat Too High Will Heat Your Home Faster 

This sounds accurate; however, this is not true. Your system delivers the heated air at a constant rate, and setting the thermostat higher won’t help heat your home any faster. Instead, this will have your system consume more energy and run longer to reach the temperature you need. It is best to set your thermostat at your desired temperature; our experts suggest between 70-72 degrees Fahrenheit. This will result in fewer issues and not overwork your system. 

If you encounter problems with your heating system or require HVAC Services, we are here to help!

We are happy to help you 24/7. Call Wilmington Heating & Cooling today at (937) 764-3575, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!

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(937) 764-3575

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