Residential Furnace Maintenance Services in Wilmington, OH
When it comes to taking care of HVAC equipment to make it last longer, perform better, and improve air quality, there simply is no substitute for routine maintenance. In fact, furnace maintenance is a crucial thing homeowners should have an expert perform every year heading into the heating season in the fall. Schedule your furnace maintenance visit today to avoid all the headaches that come with neglecting furnace maintenance.
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(937) 764-3575
Top 4 Benefits of Regular Furnace Maintenance
Preventative maintenance keeps a customer’s warranties active on newer home heating systems. However, it also makes equipment last a lot longer, enabling it to perform a lot better at lower costs while also minimizing wear and tear and preventing other issues such as unforeseen breakdowns.
Prolong Life of the Equipment
Every homeowner would like to make their furnace last as long as possible. The best way to do this is by utilizing maintenance. Without regular maintenance, furnaces last almost as half as long as they should, according to experts and manufacturers. Installing a brand new system sooner than is necessary is going to be far more expensive than any maintenance visit you will ever have to make.
Keeping All Factory Warranties Active
Every time we install a new furnace, we give our customers a warranty from the furnace’s manufacturers. This warranty requires maintenance be performed by a NATE-certified technician every year to remain valid. If the homeowner fails to have this done (even if they forget one time), the warranty goes bad. If this happens and something goes wrong, the customer is stuck paying for the repairs on own money.
Prevent Unexpected Furnace Breakdowns
There’s nothing worse than losing heat or having a furnace fail during the dead of winter. Our winters in Ohio are known for being very cold. Despite this, an estimated 85% of the repairs performed on furnace breakdowns are due to a general lack of maintenance. This is why having maintenance done every single year during the fall or early winter will prevent the vast majority of the furnace repairs a homeowner will otherwise have to deal with.
Deceases Home Heating Costs
The wear and tear from the strain of operating faithfully day and night, along with the dust and dirt building up in and around HVAC equipment, adds up. Wear and tear comprises a furnace’s heating efficiency as it requires more power than before to keep it going. A cared for system runs at its best, as it should, and shares that love right back in relief in its bills.
Stay On Top of Your Furnace Maintenance in Wilmington, OH
Regular maintenance on a home comfort system is often compared to getting a checkup with a doctor or dentist or doctor. Realistically, it’s like having your vehicle’s oil changed, or getting it a tune-up. This enables one of our friendly and experienced HVAC technicians to optimize your home cooling equipment, ensuring is in the best possible condition going into the hot season. Questionable components (or defective parts) are identified and replaced before they are able to create more expensive and extensive damage to other related equipment. This can inhibit the air conditioner’s smooth and efficient operation, which keeps your residence cool at a lower cost. Overall, our maintenance services save homeowners discomfort and stress in addition to money.