What Is Indoor Air Quality & Why Is It Important?

UV Lights, Blog, HVAC, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, OH, Ohio, Wilmington

If you ask someone who lives in Ohio why they live here in this state, you will discover that the majority of us remain for family/closeness or to encounter all four seasons. But we also understand that living through the four seasons involves a lot of to and fro weather as we transition from one season to the next. With that being said, we must plan accordingly for the erratic weather in order to stay comfy in our home. Homeowners can do this by concentrating their awareness on improving their homes’ indoor air quality (IAQ). IAQ refers to the air quality inside one’s household and how it connects to you and your loved one’s health and comfort. At Wilmington Heating & Cooling, we value the opportunity to assist you in enhancing your indoor air quality. Let’s elaborate more about some instruments we can implement inside your home, including air filters, air handlers, UV lights, and the iWave-R.

What’s the Importance of an Air Filter?

Air filters are usually installed with your HVAC system since the technology shows us confidently that it consistently produces a better atmosphere for those dwelling within the home. Transcending your indoor air quality will significantly enhance your health and comfort. On top of that, air filtration adequately decreases the likelihood for airborne illnesses, allergy, and asthma symptoms and grows your AC’s lifespan, helps safeguard the immune-compromised, forms a better smelling environment, improves sleep, makes climate control more available; and makes housekeeping less tedious!

What’s the Importance of an Air Handler?

An air handler operates in concert with your HVAC system to cool and heat your residence by pushing around the air within. For example, an air handler will usually be a portion of your HVAC system if you’re looking to operate an electric heat pump in your home. On the other hand, you likely won’t need an air handler if you have a furnace because furnaces have built-in blowers to support warm air circulation throughout your home. Air handlers preserve your home’s cleanliness and comfortability no matter the season by overseeing the widespread airflow within your household.

What’s the Importance of UV Lights?

Another gadget available at your convenience is UV lights. UV lights purge the air, eliminate mold and bacteria, and channel pure air into the HVAC system for circulation. In addition, UV lights cast a light that annihilates their DNA parts and pieces. As a result, the contaminant will not be capable of regenerating itself and will no longer be a danger to you and your family! However, UV lights do not universally fit all HVAC systems. For this reason, it would be in your best interest to first seek consultation with one of our specialists at Wilmington Heating & Cooling so that we may aid you further!

What’s the Importance of the IWave-R?

The iWave-R is an air purifier that decreases allergens, bacteria, smoke, odors, and static. The iWave-R can be placed into your home swiftly and effectively, with no further upkeep required when installed by a professional. In addition, the iWave-R can universally mount any HVAC system, no matter the make or model; this guarantees that the installation doesn’t drag on, adding to your installation fees. 

By way of ionization, a sophisticated way to say changing energy to matter, the iWave-R yields over 160 million ions, making it a leading competitor for the most proficient air purifier on the market! We breathe in many unidentified particles that we might not even be aware of; Therefore, we must be alert to cleanse the air, killing bacteria, viruses, mold, etc. Ionization also helps in lessening allergens, smoke, odors, and other particles from the air collection.

We know all of these choices can feel overwhelming; however, here at Wilmington Heating & Cooling, we care about you and your journey to finding confidence in this decision-making process. So, if you are still uncertain what equipment is appropriate for you and your home’s needs, call us today at (937) 764-3575, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!

Whether you’re building on to your present HVAC system or starting over outright, we would value nothing more than to aid you in proudly making the best selection for you and your loved ones.

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(937) 764-3575

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